The BAMIN Network: a succesfull example of professional cross-border collaboration in asset management
Expertise – Commitment – Value
What is BAMIN?
The Balkan Asset Management Inter-Agency Network (BAMIN) is an informal network of practitioners, working operationally within Asset Management Offices or Agencies (AMOs), or within the institution or department mandated to deal with the management and disposal of criminal assets both within their jurisdiction and on international cases. Its founding Members include Western Balkans jurisdictions, but the Network is open to observers and associate members from all over the world.
Currently, the BAMIN Network is composed of 25 Asset Management Offices: 9 holding the Members status, 14 with Observer status and 2 with Associate Status
The History of BAMIN
In April 2014, AMSCA hosted a roundtable meeting to discuss identifying, tracing, seizing, managing, and selling the proceeds of crime. One of the key recommendations was to create an informal network of practitioners on Asset Recovery (BARIN). Three years later, in 2017, the Balkan Asset Management Inter-Agency Network was created with the participation of Albania, Croatia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Given the specific topic and the founding members, the network changed its name to BAMIN – Balkans Asset Management Inter-Agency Network.
Since 2020, the network has been receiving financial support from the OSCE. As of 2024, BAMIN has been granted Observer status membership to the Camden Asset Recovery Inter-agency Network (CARIN).

Key BAMIN Strategic activities and objectives
- Establish and maintain a network of contact points composed of actors involved in asset management;
- Promote the exchange of information and good practices in asset management. Facilitate the effective exchange of operational information where necessary;
- Improve members’ capacity to maintain the value of assets, sell assets and re-use assets, and apply effective processes at each step of the management phase also through training organization;
- Encourage members to establish mechanisms to effectively manage frozen, seized and confiscated property in order not to lose its economic value;
- Acts as an advisory group to appropriate authorities and undertakes to make recommendations to international bodies, such as the EU, relating to all aspects of managing the proceeds of crime.
How you can benefit from BAMIN:
- Access a pool of experts on asset management at the global level;
- Receive support on operational cases through the exchange of information and best practices;
- Actively engage with the network for policies and legislative matters related to Asset Management and Confiscation;
- Contribute with expertise at European and International levels to enhance effectiveness when dealing with the management of assets;
- Promote and advocate results, successes and other relevant materials across BAMIN Members jurisdictions.
key BAMIN documents?
The Members
Membership of the BAMIN Network is comprised of government agencies from eight Western Balkan countries responsible for the management and disposal of assets seized from criminals.
The Observers
The Associates
Contact Us
BAMIN practitioners can regularly connect with one another to discuss logistical aspects of cross-border management cases that arise as part of their daily operations, while adhering to international legal requirements.